File: (main catalogue) \Hamster.ini

This INI-file contains all essential hamster's-attitudes, provided that these are not Server/Gruppen-specific or are stored on account of their(her) complexity in separate files. The attitudes(settings) specified here are attainable only partly about the attitude menus and must be changed therefore when required directly in the INI-file::


; This section allows the free configuration of the catalogue

; Of tree of the hamster. Changes can if necessary the functional character older

; Addition programs or Skripte impair.

; This information is interesting only, if one, e.g., as a developer

; Several Hamster.exe allow to access the same database

; Liked, for user the attitude(setting) is not usable meaningfully.

The Main = <path information>

; The following catalogues can definitely (with disk drive information)

; As well as relatively take place to the main catalogue.

Server = < path information for Serververz., default: "server" >

Groups = < path information for Newsgruppenverz., default: "groups" >

News.out = < path information for going out news, default: Groups-Verz./news.out >

Mails = < path information for Mailverz., default: "mails" >

Mail.out = < path information for going out mails, default: mail-Verz./mails.out >

Of log = < path information for the protocol catalogue, default: of "log" >

Scripts = < searching path for Skripte (*.hsc), default: " " i.e. main catalogue >

Of module = < searching path for script modules (*.hsm), default: Skriptsuchpfad >

... News.err = < path for by mistake not gepostet article. >


; This section is responsible for most internal switches(counter):

; Languane cache

...; x=1 (Default): attitudes(settings) become only by the start or with one

; Linguistic change read, x=0 (for translator / developer): reading from

; Corresponding linguistic file translation, missing entries become

...; automatically in the INI-file written.

...; Language.cached=x

; Languane. Update

; X=1 Provided that Language. Update.en.dat on 1 _und_ Language.cached on 1

...; stands, missing entries become in the English linguistic file

; Also automatically filled (Default: 0). {TGL}

Language. Update en.dat=x

; If X-Posting-Agent switches of hamster ": "-Header from for news / mails:

News addxhamster=0

Mail addxhamster=0

; If Received switches of hamster ": "-Header from for mails:

Mail addreceived=0

; Time-out during minutes, after expiration without Client-activities

; The connection should be finished between Client and hamster.


; Time in Millisekunden for time-out after "Quit" order


; SMTP-after-POP3: time during seconds, between Authentikation in

; Local POP3-Server and the SMTP-access may pass maximally,

; Default one: 300 s


; Puts the mechanism SASL to be used for the local server SMTP

; Firmly. Default and at the moment only supported mechanism is LOGIN


; Limit for line length and text length of the locally received articles,

; Separated after protocol:

See the also hamsters FAQ moreover and big E-mails







; Time-out for the Remote server i.e. after which time interval during seconds

; Should hamster Verbindungs/Abfrageversuche to external servers as

; Consider failed - default: 120 s.



; FQDN-list for removing Message-ID of locally taken mails.

; This allows deleting of the Mailreader wrongly generated Message-IDs.

; A similar mechanism for Postings becomes for reasons of safety (Dupes)

; Does not support.

Mail removemids=fqdn1, fqdn2, fqdn3...

; Fixes the key to be applied(devoted) for the password-file:

; 0=Anmeldename and PC-configuration are applied in the key

; 1=Der Anmeldename is not applied in the algorithm

; 2=Weder Anmeldename still PC-configuration are applied in the key

; Respect: After change of this variable is a restart and the renewed one

; Input all password necessary. With attitude(setting) "2" she can

; Password-file on every computer are applied.


; Number of the attempts for the mail dispatch in the opposed external one

; SMTP-server:


; Action of the hamster, if the mail after the opposed number from

; To attempts could not be sent yet:

; 0 = Rename, 1 = Delete


; Of global filters for the shop of E-mails, on basis of the answer

; Of the craft-order of the provider: if E-mail Is bigger than the given(indicated) value

; (In bytes), she is treated according to the category. As a category

; Stand "ignore" =Ignorieren, "bump off" =Löschen and "notify" =Info in "admin"

; To the disposal. The value "0" switches off the filter. These attitudes(settings)

; Have priority before the mail-score-file "MailFilt.hst".

Mail filter.mailsize.ignore=0

Mail filter.mailsize.kill=0

Mail filter.mailsize.notify=0

; Number for the mail filter as a preview to Header-lines to be loaded,

; Concerns the Headerzeilen considered in the mail-score-file

; As well as the lines, with an extra large mail as news in

; Admin go (bzgl. "mail.filter.mailsize.notify")

Mail filter.toplines=20

; Number of the days to the data are deleted in the History.


; Number applied chunkbits for the log-files. Attention

; Number of the files required for this grows squarely with

; Number of the bits: "0" Eine files, "2" Vier files..., "8 256 files).

; Standard is 4 bits and therefore 16 files.

; To execute around changes (not recommended):

; 1st hamsters conclude(close)

; Change 2. "history-chunkbits"

; Delete 3. "hist*.dat" in the "groups" catalogue

; 4. History about menu (again) produce


; Fixes the editor for the treatment of text files and his(its) parameters.

Editor app=notepad.exe

Editor.params = % 1

; Fixes the internal group names, standard is for all categories

; "Internal.misc":

Internalgroup.default = < group for all not assigned categories >

Internalgroup.postok = < group for successfully versendete articles >

Internalgroup.posterrors = < group for incorrectly versendete articles >

Internalgroup.statistics = < group for the daily group statistics >

Internalgroup.cancelnotify = < group for Cancels in local groups >

Internalgroup.newgroups = < group for messages about new groups >

Internalgroup.unknowngroup = < group for article with unknown group >

Internalgroup.pullerrors = < group for mistake messages with the shop of new articles >

; Fixes the name for the X-Trace-Header, which locally taken

; Is added to articles:

; Z. B.: news addxhtrace=X-Hamster-Trace

; - > X-Hamster-Trace: x.y.z 963151230 236th of 127/0/0/1 (1 ec 2000/07/09 14:00:30)

News.addxhtrace =

; Welcoming screen indicate 1=Ja 0=Nein


; Demand while finishing if still mails or news are to be sent

The Main. AskIfOutboxNotEmpty=1

The [Main]

; Tab for window warnings / mistake

; 0 = no colored Tab

ColoredTabs=0 / 1

; The specific colors, provided that the default does not like (format $BBGGRR):

TabColorErrorText = <color>

TabColorErrorBrush = <color>

TabColorWarningText = <color>

TabColorWarningBrush = <color>

; Commitments of the status information for the status line and indication line Tray-

; Icons:

; %TA number of active orders

; %JO number of all still open orders

; %NO number of news contributions in order to dispatch (news. Out)

; %MO number of mails in order to dispatch (mail. Out)

; %NI number of new articles of external news servers (%NI = % NL + % NH + % NK)

; %NL number of it loaded article

; %NH number of article which already existed in the History

; %NK number by entries in the Kill/Score-file not of loaded articles

; %MI number of loaded mails

; %BY transferred bytes

; %KB transferred kilobytes

BottomlineFormat=Jobs = % TA / % Jo OutBox: N/M = % NO / % of news MO = % NI (Load =...

HintFormat=Tasks / jobs = % TA / % Jo N/M = % NO / % MO Arts = % of mails NI = % MI


; This section has come only with 1.3.21.xx. He allows

; The execution of external programs as for example the Korrnews if determined

; Internal actions have been implemented. The ".exec" attitude(setting)

; Contains the program name (if necessary with path), the ".pars" attitude(setting)

; If allows the definition of the handed over parameters, "%1" stands by watching

; For the file name.

; Example:

; News out.exec=Korrnews.exe

; News file name: " % 1 "

; Calls from Korrnews (from V2.85) with the section "news" and just from the news

; Client sent off Posting on to carry out the corrections directly.

; News out.*: new Posting in News.out,

; Mail out.*: new mail in mails.out,

; Mail in.*: new mail of the POP3-Server receive,

; Mail internal.*: hamster has generated an internal mail for a user.

; Group.doubleclick: double click on news groups in the configuration dialogue.


News.out.exec = =

Mail.out.exec = = = =

Mail.internal.exec = =

Group.doubleclick.exec = =

Unable to open file