Menu: attitudes(settings) / Local servers / user / Local users

Anmeldename, Full name, password:

Here the users can be configured for the local servers.

For adding a local user the switch(counter) [new] is to be used. The attitudes(settings) of the user marked finally are applied as a model for the new user. After input of the user's name it is automatically changed in the farther explained treatment dialogue.

The switch(counter) [treatment] changes in the treatment dialogue of the current user.

With the switch(counter) [deleting] the current chosen user is deleted - incl. his(its) post office.

Treatment dialogue:

The user-ID is an unambiguous number to identify of the user's access and can not be changed.

User's name and password are applied for local NNTP-as well as for the local POP3-Server. The user's name we only unique while putting on given, the password can be fixed on the contrary at any time with [changing].

Local NNTP-server:

With the attitude(setting) " the groups which he can access only reading " it is fixed which news groups the user reading may access. With the attitude(setting) " the groups in which he may also write " it is fixed in which groups of the users posts (=Artikel send) may. For the format of both fields see (group selection) farther below.

Local POP3-Server:

With the attitude(setting) " user has POP3-Mailbox " is fixed whether the user may receive E-mails about the hamster.

The field " Local email-addresses " allows the arrangement(enclosure,appendix) of local E-mail-addresses, e.g., for a local network. All about the local SMTP-server to this address to sent E-mails are blocked to the receiver locally without detour about the provider. If a user possesses several E-mail-addresses, these must be given by blanks separated. Example: " john.doe jd John doe@provider.eins jd@provider.zwei ".

Local SMTP-server:

If the attitude(setting) is for the "SMTP-after-POP3" - procedure for the SMTP-server activates, will send with the field " emails allows " fixed whether the user may dispatch E-mails about the hamster. If "SMTP-after-POP3" is not applied, this attitude(setting) is without practical importance.

Group selection:

The group selection is a list from regular expressions which are used, e.g., also in the filter files. To apply several expressions, these must be separated by blanks of each other. The fields are evaluated from the right to the left.


Selection: .*

Effect: All groups are allowed.

Selection: ! .*

Effect: No group is allowed.

Selection: ! ^internal\. .*

Effect: All groups, excluded the local groups are allowed.

Selection: ^de\.! ^internal\.posted ^internal\.

Effect: All de.* groups and all internal groups excluded internal.posted are allowed.

Special user "nntpdefault":

For the access to the local NNTP-server without authentication the user "nntpdefault" with password "*" is to be applied. Thereby it suffices to give(to indicate) the news server in the Newsclient only.

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