File: (main catalogue) \MailFilt.hst

The rules in the file "MailFilt.hst" describe which E-mails should be loaded by the POP3-Server or what with them has to happen.

1.) Shops or do not load...

Contains of the filters "ignore" - or "bump off" Regulate, the hamster as first gets the head lines of the E-mails and then decides which E-mails are deleted completely loaded, or are ignored.

Provided that an "ignore" rule strikes in the filter, E-mail is not loaded, but is left on the server. If one "bump off" rule in the filter strikes, is not loaded E-mail not only, but also is still deleted on the server.

If a "load" rule should apply, however, the previous Ignore/Kill-rule becomes invalid again, and the article loaded, just like all remaining articles on which no rule applies.

If the execution from "ignore" and "bumps off" Regulate should be announced, one can reach this about fitting "notify" instruction, apart from that ignoring and deleting takes place without comment. First of all in the test phase one should do of this possibility use and intend Ignore-rules to be on the safe side only only.

Indication: the option " mail on the server do not leave / delete " (by " attitudes(settings) / mail (server) configure " attainable) than the mail-filters the MailFilt.hst have higher priority.

2.) Distribution of the post(post office) on local users

Every loaded E-mail is filed on wearing through the filter in the post office at least of one user. Which user is this, can be defined by the options of the separate POP3-Servers, as a default it is put down there automatically "admin".

Followers Regeln affect the local receiver's list:

- If an "add" rule is valid, the given(indicated) receiver of the receiver's list is added

- If a "del" rule is valid, the given(indicated) receiver from the receiver's list is removed.

- If a "set" rule is valid, the existing receivers are replaced with the given(indicated) receiver.

- If a "postto" rule is valid, E-mail in a news group gepostet, the field becomes " FollowUp-To: poster " sets hamster, besides, automatically.

The "addaccounts" rule tests whether E-mail address is known locally (i.e. them(her) has been put in the attitudes(settings) of a local user). If this is the case, the corresponding local user of the receiver's list is added.

If E-mail in the receiver's list contains on wearing through the filter no valid receiver (more), she becomes "admin" or with "default" - a rule fixed user blocked.


MFilterDatei = * (MFilterBlock / cEOL)

MFilterBlock = MFilterAbschnitt * (MFilterRegel / cEOL)

MFilterAbschnitt = "[" section sample * (1*WSP section sample) "]" cEOL

MFilterRegel = ["="] (MLadeRegel / MZielRegel) cEOL

MLadeRegel = "load" ["(" ")"] 1*WSP MOUSE'S CHOICE

MLadeRegel = / "ignore" ["(" ")"] 1*WSP MOUSE'S CHOICE

MLadeRegel = / "bump off" ["(" ")"] 1*WSP MOUSE'S CHOICE

MLadeRegel = / "notify" ["(" user's list ")"]

MZielRegel = "default" "(" user's list ")"

MZielRegel = / "addaccounts" ["(" ")"] 1*WSP MDefFeld

MZielRegel = / "add" "(" user's list ")" 1*WSP MOUSE'S CHOICE

MZielRegel = / "set" "(" user's list ")" 1*WSP MOUSE'S CHOICE

MZielRegel = / "del" "(" user's list ")" 1*WSP MOUSE'S CHOICE

MZielRegel = / "postto" "(" news groups ")" 1*WSP MOUSE'S CHOICE


MDefFeld = ["~"] ["*"] (MEinzelfeld / MGruppenfeld)

MEinzelfeld = (< name of a Header-field > / "bytes") [":"]

MGruppenfeld = ("Any-broadcasting station" / "Any-Recipient")

MOUSE CHOICE SAMPLE = ["+" / "-"] ["" MEinzelfeld ":"] sample

User's list = <user's name' * ("," < user's name >)

News groups = <Newgruppenname> * ("," < Newgruppenname >)

Section sample = ["+" / "-"] sample

Sample = (RegExpMuster / simple sample)

RegExpMuster = "{" < of regular searching expression in the PCRE-style > "}"

Simple sample = (MusterAlles / sample text / sample number)

MusterAlles = "*"

Sample text = """ <text> """

Sample number = "%" ("<" / "=" / ">") *WSP <number>

CEOL = ["*" < comment >] CRLF


Every section is marked with square clips " [...] ". He can contain a star "*" or a section name from a script order or from the menu attitudes for the POP3-Server. Section names can be put aimed for separate users in the menu POP3-Mailserver.


* filter rule for all E-mails

[Private ones]

* filter rule for "private", e.g., from Scriptbefehl or menu


Indication: the following description contains mainly the differences between mail and news filter, for nearer details see therefore also Scores.hst.

Every filter line begins with an order:

Bump off () From: "very much"

Add (John To): ""

Postto (hamster.ehamster) To: ""

Important indication: Behind bump off, add, postto etc and the opening clip NO blanks may stand, apart from that the rule is technically invalid and is not considered as existent! Between the concluding(closing) clip and the searching expression many blanks on the contrary are allowed arbitrarily and are also recommended to the clarity half.

With a special field one can test E-mail for their(her) length:

Ignore () bytes: % > 100000

The special field "Any-broadcasting station" tests all send specific Header like " From: ", " Apparently-From: ", " broadcasting station: ", " Reply-To: ", " X-broadcasting station: ", " Envelope-From: " and " X-Envelope-From: " suddenly:

Load () Any-broadcasting station: "boss@compa.ny" - @Subject: " cancellation! "

The special field "Any-Recipient" tests vice versa(conversely) all Receiver-specific Header such as " To: ", " Apparently-To: ", " CC: ", " BCC: ", " Envelope-To: " and " X-Envelope-To: ".

Add (John Any-Recipient): ""

Add (Jane Any-Recipient): ""

Addaccounts () Any-Recipient:

If the field name begins with the tilde "~", the field becomes before application of the rule with him procedure ACTS decodes, however, the austerities done under Scores.hst are also considered(apply) here:

Load () ~To: "Jürgen"

Only the first fitting Header-line is usually evaluated with a rule E-mail. To test completely also multiple fields, a star "*" vorangestellt must become to the field name:

Add (John) *Received: " John "

The special variable $xxx $ can be pulled up for comparisons with mail-Headern. And xxx stands for arbitrary Header of the mail to be judged. Example: bump off () From: $ TO $


E-mails to known local addresses block, besides, all receiver's fields and the complete Received-Header check:


Addaccounts () Any-Recipient:

Addaccounts () *Received:

E-mails of a known Spamers or an unwanted Domain delete:


Bump off () Any-broadcasting station: ""

Bump off () Any-broadcasting station: ""

Filter section for a certain user "auchwer". The name the section, here [somebody], can be put in the menu POP3-Mailserver.


Postto ( To: ""

Bump off () From: ""

Add (auchwer) To: ""

The Admin inform if E-mails were deleted:

Notify "admin"

The E-mails of a mailing list in a local news group of post and the Admin still in each case a copy of the original-mail send:


Postto ( To: ""

Add (admin) To: ""

Postto ( To: ""

Add (admin) To: ""

The E-mails delete his(its) From: and TO: Header is identical. Only Spamer are fitting E-mails.


Bump off () From: $ TO $

The E-mails ignore his(its) TO:-Header a certain address contains and they(she) on the server allow to lie to read them(her) later still otherwise


Ignore () From: ""

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