Menu: attitudes(settings) / news (groups) / news-loading orders

S about which load (group name, server name):

This list contains all loading orders i.e. all Gruppenabbonnements of all opposed news servers, sorts according to the group name.

Here one can with the switch(counter) [new] new groups abbonieren. See also " abbonierte groups moreover administer ".

It is possible to select a group with more than one server. Certainly, by this redundancy the amount of the data to be loaded increases, but at the same moment the probability decreases, the article are absent(lacking). Moreover, temporary failures of a news server can be compensated completely well.

In order to delete of loading orders (Server/Gruppen-combinations) the switch(counter) [deleting] is to be operated. Indication: the switch(counter) deletes not the group, but only the Abbonnement of the corresponding server. If also the last Abbonennement was deleted, the group automatically becomes a local group.

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