The Script file

NB. scripts linked from this page are currently in German.

You have also still another Script, which is missing on this page? Send nevertheless it to me and I add it. It makes sure however please that no line page make-ups are produced! If your Mailprogramm makes up automatically, it is better to send the Script as appendix of file or than Zip file. Mail

Komentare to the Scripten please not to me send, but to the author of the respective Scripte. This is called in the respective files. (perhaps a CC: to me, that is OK ONE.)

Menu: [ * vbs VB-Scripte ] - [ * pl Perl-Scripte ] - [ * bat Batchdateien ]

Description of the Scripts


Neu: 30.04.2000 Conversion of the " old " Hamsterscripte into the new format, whereby all options are not supported. Everything transfers except " call " and " wait.until " automatically into the new format. Start simply and the names of an old Scriptdatei input. (Download directly of - jh -) Download 2 kB
Neu: 30.04.2000
  • Start external programs
  • Shutdown/restart of the local servers
  • RA rushing selection after day and time-of-day with re-dialling
  • Fetch/transmit from News and Mail
Download 1 kB
Neu: 30.04.2000 Scriptpassage for the selection of a further Providers to the selection, if with a Provider no RAS connection took place. Download 1 kB
Neu: 30.04.2000 Script, which checks whether already gepurged became and purged, if that did not occur yet. Download 1 kB
Neu: 03.05.2000 Contents:
  • Counter and logs reset, local of server services deactivate
  • External programs start
  • Data-communications connection establishment with re-dialling
  • With presence of News/Mail these are transmit/gotten
  • Pure gene and list of group of new again sort
Download 2 kB

Description of the Scripts


Standardscript for transmitting and receiving from News and Mails (* vbs Script in the Zip) Download 1 kB
Set from passwords in the Script and re-dialling, if the connection establishment were not successful. (text version) Lesen der Datei 1,5 kB
Standardscript with guidance for setting the data for the connection establishment. (text version) Lesen der Datei 2,5 kB
History structure again and volume of data clear up. (* vbs Script in the Zip) Download 1 kB
Several Mail and new servers within a Scripts use. (* vbs Script in the Zip) Download 1 kB
Sometimes it occurs that hamster does not have an article, which the newsreader of it requests. Hamster writes then the MID into the current log of this Script ties to it and writes the MID in getmid.txt to referred new newsservers and loads the articles after. (* vbs Script in the Zip) Download 2 kB
This Script tries to make several times a connection to the Provider. If this succeeded, all enamels and new contributions are transmitted and received. By all enamels a backup copy is created automatically. (* vbs Scripte into German commentates and texts in addition in the Zip) recommendation regarding becoming acquainted with! Download 7 kB
This Script shows, how the entries for several users should be set and how thereby with the instruction ' sendmail ' and ' fetchmail ' should be gone around, if the Mails is to be distributed into the different user p.o. boxes. (* vbs Script in the Zip) Download 1 kB
This Script switches the data-communications connection in the Internet options to demand. Users of Outlook express will appreciate, since between ' on-line/off-line operation ' must be otherwise constantly switched. (* vbs Script in the Zip) Download 1 kB
This Script tests files on presence of Mails in the Mail.Out or News in the News.Out. If Mails or News are available, hamster selects itself by DFue in and these are sent away. (* vbs Scripte and text files in the Zip) Download 4 kB
Script for starting an external application, in this example of the batch file for sorting the Mails (see further below) (* vbs Script in the Zip) Download 1 kB
Here a Script, which displays in a MessageBox, is how many in detail Mails (classified after the individual accounts) as well as outgoing Mails and News of the hamsters up-to-date in its cheeks have (* vbs Script in the Zip) Download 2 kB
Function of this Scripts: Mails are further-distributed on the basis the " To" header in the Adminpostfach by hamster to local of p.o. boxes or passed on at users of another Mailservers. (* vbs Script and liesmich.txt with exact guidance in the Zip) Download 6 kB
From the English hamster mailing list this extensive Script originates. It checked, whether already an on-line connection exists, exchanges News & Mail and starts afterwards an external program, in order to examine received Mails more exactly (English original text of the Mail and * vbs Script in the Zip) Download 6 kB
A conversion of Oxfix for VB von Wolfgang Jaeth is on the homepage von Juergen sends. This Script processes headers of News and Mail like the Perlscript. Download 15 kB
AutoSuspend: Script for the monitoring of the reading habits with the automatic subscribing of groups of new. Besides the Script checks the consistency of the groups, directories and Pulls. Possibly discovered discrepancies will gepostet after hamster.misc, and can (optionally) be recovered also automatically (liesmich.txt in the Zip) update 1.1.0: The possible conflict with at the same time open hamster configuration windows is gone around by application by MiniOLE of Heiko rust. Additionally various smaller and larger innovations. Download 12 kB
In this Zip 2 Scripte are contained. ' Mitternacht.vbs ' resets the log in the hamster window and purged. ' all in one.vbs ' purged, asks whether the Counter to be reset is, patcht with Korrnews, constructs the data-communications connection, if still none exists and gets then Mail and News. Vorraussetzung for some functions are Korrnews of Thomas's G. Liesner and MiniOle von Heiko rust. (see Tools ) Download 4 kB
Scripte, which permit the selection between several data-communications connections and use also the appropriate servers, since e.g. the servers of T-Online are usable only with a selection over T-Online. Korrnews and MiniOle are used likewise here. (2 Scripte with the respective texts in addition in the Zip.) Download 8 kB
It checked whether Mails or News for the post are available, only then the POST OFFICE connection is manufactured. The post office output is treated with Oxfix. It checked whether already data-communications connection exists, if these taken, if no, we get a selection menu, if however (after selection time) nothing is selected here, the at present for 10 minutes most favorable connection are selected. All Mails in Mail.Out becomes beforehand secured. Depending upon data-communications connection the servers are gepullt. All Mails in the post office input drawers becomes secured Download 10 kB
It is checked whether a hamster is active and it output, which it is. In the second Script a data protection of the log files of the hamster takes place. Download 3 kB
Script, which can remove signatures with Mails. Paths and signatures can be adapted non-standard. Download 1 kB
Script, which at flow of X days groups.txt deletes, in order to get it again from the server. Existente groups are ausgemistet, since the newsgroup list will transfer completely again from the server. Download 2 kB
Script for the display of the day LINE newsgroup in a Popupfenster. Vorraussetzung: MiniOle of Heiko rust. Download 2 kB
Neu dazu gekommen The purpose of the Skriptes is it, from the Mailreader in the hamster Mailfilter ' gotten stuck ' Mails loads or entsorgen to leave. In addition only a Antwortmail must be returned to the hamster (or the script). The script analyses the Subject header and modifies the file MailFilt.hst accordingly. (liesmich.txt in the Zip) update: V 1.1.1: The analysis was refined. Bsp: ' load Message ID: < > ' Download 8 kB
Neu: 16.04.2000 The VB script controls the transmitting/receiving of eMails/Newspostings with the hamster. By command line must be indicated, which the o. g. Internal messages is executed and alternatively the name of the data-communications connection. If no connection is indicated, (beginning with the most inexpensive) in MiniOle for the GetRasLCR function defined selected to one to be structured can. Before the a selection it is checked whether the computer is already on-line one and if, this connection used. Subsequently, the server available over the selected Provider are processed. The adjustment of the server list effected directly in the script and is possible for my opinion after also without knowledge VBS programming. The script needs MiniOle and a hamster starting from version Download 7 kB
Neu: 16.04.2000 The VB script summarizes all hamster Logs of a daily in an entire file. The files are stored one week, two weeks or one month and designated accordingly. Is most favorable to start the script by schedulers once on the day. Download 3 kB
Neu: 30.04.2000 Script, which checks whether already gepurged became and purged, if that did not occur yet. (date-dependently) Download 1 kB
Download of all mentioned so far above Scripte and texts in a slide ( - 107 kB - 01,05,2000) Download 107 kB
Neu: 03.05.2000 The Script leads a ' Kill ' on the From: or the Message ID: over the Forte agent directly to the hamster core file further. An exact guidance is contained, likewise in the Zip both Scripte. Download 1 kB

Some information to the Windows Scripting host [ WSH ]:

If you liked to use Perlscripte, you should have installed a Perl interpreter. Otherwise the whole affair does not function. (Download e.g. of: / )

Description of the Scripts


This Script can overwrite the Envelope From for Mails and delete the Received line. Download 2 kB
Here is the Perlscript, which is used with Oxfix (s.u.) Readme.txt here: Readme des Autors Download 8 kB
Neu dazu gekommen This Zip contains 2 Scripte. First, ' ', is to vacate the problems with Xnews and Onelist from the way, by it ' From: ' corrected and ' newsgroup: ' and ' post office OD and May LED: ' removed. Second, ' ', creates a statistics of the senders of the Mails, which stored hamsters. Download 2 kB
Neu: 16.04.2000 The Perl script produces a hamster status report and postet it after hamster.misc. The consistency of the p.o. box directories of group/new is checked; do not be enough read groups; Groups, which are however not queried by the Hamster/Newsclient to exist; the IPs of all accesses to the hamster; Contents of the mailboxes (outline or detailiert). The configuration effected by ini file, the script needs MiniOle.

Description of the Batches


These batch files distribute the Mails from the Adminpostfach on the respectively indicated p.o. boxes. (* bat and texts in addition in the Zip) Download 3 kB
These batch files process the header lines of new articles through replace and/or complete from header lines. (* bat and texts in addition in the Zip) Download 2 kB
These batch files build a x-PGP-Sig-header automatically in Postings (* bat and Readme.txt in addition in the Zip) Download 4 kB
These batch files import Mails like a Mail2News-Gateway into defined newsgroup. For ham.exe which is attached to the hamster likewise, is used. (* bat and * txt in addition in the Zip) Download 3 kB

The call of the Batches effected within one * vbs Scriptes with [ (" d:\hamster\mails\datei.bat ") ] or within one * hsc Scriptes with [ execute(" d:\hamster\mails\datei.bat ", HamPath, 1, True) ] or naturally also manually by starting the respective batch file.

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